
랜드로버 기술정보


페이지 정보

작성자 육혁 작성일05-01-05 06:30 조회3,460회 댓글1건


로버사에서 특수제작한 "big foot" 사진은 WestCoast British 에서!

The Original "Big-Foot". Built for Shell Oil Company in 1963 for use in Alaska during exploration of possible pipeline routes, this 88" was fitted with special wheels and tyres that would enable it to cross the vast Tundra. Under the rear floor, running off the pto, was an aircompressor, thus enabling the driver to inflate the tyres from 2-pis to 20-psi. To enable steering the massive tyres, a Garrison power-steering system was fitted. Up front was a Koenig pto winch. The cost of the tyres and wheels alone was more than the then current retail price of the Land Rover! The Project Development Engineer was Richard Green. Photo was taken on Monterey beach, CA. To our knowledge, this vehicle is still owned by Shell Oil and still in use.
