Free landermuffler
페이지 정보작성자 육혁 작성일05-01-22 04:11 조회3,409회 댓글0건 |
Free Lander 마플러 갓은경우 너무 밋으로 쳐져서 오너들한태 불많이많죠
Freelander Muffler Modification!
Probably one thing that everyone mentioned when they looked at my Freelander was how BIG that muffler is and how low it hangs. From the very first time I went off road, I noticed that the muffler hit quite often. The left side hangar also seemed to unhook itself quite often. At the Rover Rallye, several times the Freelander guys had to stop to rehook muffler hangars... It was at that point I knew that something needed to change back there. The centre muffler still seems to bear the brunt of every rock, but it would be more difficult to replace because it has two inputs and one output. I think the answer there is a skid plate of some type. Now the wheels are turning in my head, I think a skid plate is coming soon.
I took my Freelander to several local muffler shops. Most wouldn"t touch it since they can"t/won"t do custom work. If they can"t order a bolt-on kit, they simply couldn"t do it. I finally found a custom shop that would custom cut, bend and weld anything I wanted. One thing for sure was that the procedure needed to be reversible if I don"t like it and the hangars needed to also be more robust.
We selected a Vortex muffler made by Cherry Bomb. It"s less expensive than a Flowmaster but is so similar there"s a lawsuit involved. The input and output pipes were bent to fit and the hangar posts needed to be "hooked" so they wouldn"t pop off easily. To make the procedure reversible with the hooked hangars, we had to use clamps instead of welds on the muffler. I"ve found that seam welds on aluminized steel pipes are usually where the first rust starts, so clamps seemed just fine- as long as they are turned so the bolts don"t point downward.
Freelander Muffler Modification!
Probably one thing that everyone mentioned when they looked at my Freelander was how BIG that muffler is and how low it hangs. From the very first time I went off road, I noticed that the muffler hit quite often. The left side hangar also seemed to unhook itself quite often. At the Rover Rallye, several times the Freelander guys had to stop to rehook muffler hangars... It was at that point I knew that something needed to change back there. The centre muffler still seems to bear the brunt of every rock, but it would be more difficult to replace because it has two inputs and one output. I think the answer there is a skid plate of some type. Now the wheels are turning in my head, I think a skid plate is coming soon.
I took my Freelander to several local muffler shops. Most wouldn"t touch it since they can"t/won"t do custom work. If they can"t order a bolt-on kit, they simply couldn"t do it. I finally found a custom shop that would custom cut, bend and weld anything I wanted. One thing for sure was that the procedure needed to be reversible if I don"t like it and the hangars needed to also be more robust.
We selected a Vortex muffler made by Cherry Bomb. It"s less expensive than a Flowmaster but is so similar there"s a lawsuit involved. The input and output pipes were bent to fit and the hangar posts needed to be "hooked" so they wouldn"t pop off easily. To make the procedure reversible with the hooked hangars, we had to use clamps instead of welds on the muffler. I"ve found that seam welds on aluminized steel pipes are usually where the first rust starts, so clamps seemed just fine- as long as they are turned so the bolts don"t point downward.
사진1 Free Lander stock muffler!
사진3 No chrome dual tips here- this is all business!
Everything was painted black, a second coat is definitely in order once it stops raining.